Creme Fraiche

I still had a lot of 35% creme in my fridge so I was looking around for things to do with it and came across a recipe for creme fraiche.  Let me start off by saying I’ve never had creme…

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Chicken Confit

Delving further into Charcuterie I had been thinking about confit: slow cooking meat in a fat at low temperature.  Traditionally it’s done with duck legs in duck fat but I had neither so I used what I had: a big…

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Switching to trades

It was a tough decision but I’m making the switch from individual issues (weeklys)  to trade paperbacks.  The idea was percolating in my head for about a year and the rationale is twofold: new comics aren’t worth anything and there’s a lot…

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Smoked Hunters Sausage

Our freezer was getting overcrowded with pork so I decided to take out sixteen pounds and make some sausage over the weekend.  My family seems to like smoked sausage the best so I made Hunters sausage (forgot the German name, sorry). …

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