WordPress 2.8 Released


This site is made possible because of WordPress.  I had started eBabble.net with NetObjects Fusion many years ago but wanted to move to a platform that would let me add and edit content from anywhere.  My first attempts were with CMS platforms but I couldn’t get the hang of them and somehow managed to stumble upon WordPress.  With every version it becomes easier to use and the plugin community grows: you can pretty much accomplish whatever you’d like with WordPress.

With version 2.8 WordPress has made three big ease of use changes.  Themes can now be searched for, previewed and installed right from the Dashboard.  The Widget system has been completely redesigned for ease of use; you can now have multiple widgets of the same type and can save widgets not in use.  Finally you can customize every Dashboard page via Screen Options for improved column support.  Full details and a great video are available at the WordPress blog.