Sandwich of Summer 2012 closeup

The Sandwich Of Summer 2012

I like sandwiches. No, that's not strong enough: I love sandwiches. Take ingredients you thoroughly enjoy and put them in a portable, edible container. We had what could be considered a "perfect storm" of elements in the refrigerator last week for me to create what is now my official sandwich of 2012.

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Chimichanga Cover


Being a fan of Eric Powell I ordered a copy of Chimichanga, not quite knowing what it was.
When Wrinkle’s Traveling Circus’s adorable little bearded girl trades a lock of her magic beard hair for a witch’s strange egg, she stumbles upon what could be the saving grace for her ailing freak show–the savory-named beast Chimichanga!

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Like A Sniper Lining Up His Shot Cover

Like A Sniper Lining Up His Shot

My local comic shop received this last week although everyone seems to be listing today as its release date. I’ve been waiting all year for Tardi’s Like A Sniper Lining Up His Shot.

Martin Terrier, ice-cold mercenary-turned-contract-killer, has his future all mapped out: He has just executed what he intends to be his final job and is ready to move on to the next phase of his life, which involves discreet retirement accompanied by a long-lost girlfriend. But Terrier’s employers are emphatically not pleased with his decision, old enemies begin to re-emerge, and soon Terrier is forced to once again ply his brutal trade.

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Turf Cover


Turf from Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards looked interesting; 1929 New York with a vampire problem and aliens.  After reading it I think they should have done 1929 New York with vampires and a second book with 1929 New…

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Revelations Cover


I’m a fan of Humberto Ramos and his very unique art style. It’s not for everyone but if you’re a fan then you probably pick up all his work. Which I thought I had until I read somewhere on the internet about Revelations, a six issue mini series from Dark Horse that had been collected into a trade paperback.
From Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos, the best-selling creative team behind Marvel’s Spectacular Spider-Man, comes an occult murder mystery set in the unlikeliest of places-The Vatican.

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The Authority Relentless cover

The Authority: Relentless

Making my way through my local comic shop’s discount shelf I came across The Authority: Relentless, the first volume of the award winning series. I hadn’t read this since the individual issues came out and it deserved a second look.

After witnessing the demise of most of her StormWatch teammates, Jenny Sparks wants to create a new super hero team dedicated to protecting Earth against threats of a global scale. Joined by former StormWatch members Jack Hawksmoor and Shen Li-Min, Jenny recruits four new members, the Doctor, the Engineer, Apollo, and the Midnighter forming the ultra-powerful Authority. Collected in this edition are their first two missions, battling a nation of super-powered terrorists and stopping an invasion from a parallel world.

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Catwoman Relentless Cover

Catwoman: Relentless

Another lost (to me) treasure discovered on the used shelf of my local comic shop, Catwoman: Relentless. Always a fan of Brubaker at the time I didn’t care for Stewart or Pulido’s clean lines and simplified styles; now I can’t get enough.

Triumph and tragedy are the name of the game in this 192-page trade paperback reprinting CATWOMAN #12-19, plus the 6-page Black Mask story from CATWOMAN Secret Files #1! Catwoman has crossed the Black Mask — now he’s making her pay!

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