Category Food

Gros Sel: Grey Sea Salt

Grey sea salt: I’m in love.  At Costco a few years back they had French sea salt for an excellent price so I picked up a container and started using it as a finish on meats.  It added such an…

Pork season!

Every year in Southern Ontario we get about a month of cheap pork: whole legs and shoulders for ninety nine cents a pound.  I was at Fortinos on Saturday and picked up two whole shoulders.  When I got home I…

Moishes Montreal

Just came back from a trip to Quebec and was able to eat at Moishes in Montreal.  It’s an old school steakhouse: very nice wood interior, well dressed wait staff and a small meat menu.  I ordered the ribeye with…

Pepper crusted bacon

I love black pepper and really enjoy pepper crusted bacon.  I have been looking for a method to make this at home since I’m already making bacon, and was peeling the skin off a smoked belly when it hit me. …

Sandwich Bread

My next baking project is sandwich bread: that regular light loaf that’s good for most of a week, toasts nicely and gets the job done.  I turned to Cook’s Illustrated for a recipe and gave it a whirl: it’s good…

Roasted Peppers

A trip to the local farmer’s market brought me in contact with a mixed basket of peppers for $1: it was a deal I couldn’t refuse.  It was a real mix of varieties and shapes but they were at maximum…

Smoked pork loin

In my bacon recipe post I mentioned using a pork loin instead of a belly and sort of left it at that so I’m revisiting the topic.  I really enjoy smoked pork loin which also goes by the name back…

Thanksgiving feast

Successfully came through my Thanksgiving dinner. The last few years I’ve been winging it with my stuffing and the results have been mixed to put it kindly. This year I turned to a great basic stuffing recipe from Saveur that…

Pancetta and air drying

I’ve made panchetta a few times, most recently late spring.  It’s a savoury dry rub on pork belly that’s cured for a week, rolled and hung for several weeks: I follow the Charcuterie recipe.  Pancetta is an Italian bacon that has a…