Tag Windows Home Server

Windows Home Server as SOHO backup

I’ve gushed extensively about the wonder that is Windows Home Server.  I recently gave Windows Small Business Server 2008 a spin to check it’s backup handling but it left me wanting: no current Windows platform backup program gets as much…

Copying a hard drive

This weekend I upgraded my 250GB hard drive to a 500GB hard drive in my main computer. I've done this countless times with little effort but this experience was anything but pleasant.

WHS Add-In: ClientInfo

I just finished setting up my second Windows Home Server (more on that later) and went through my favourite add-ins.  This led me back to Client Info, which displays all the WMI information collected from the computer.  Unfortunately in the…

SOHO Email

I read a post today about setting up hMailServer on your Windows Home Server (WHS).  This reminded me of a lot of comments made during the beta stages of WHS when testers kept asking for a mail server like Exchange…

Microsoft Windows Home Server

I signed up for the Microsoft Windows Home Server beta program early in the year and have been impressed and completely satisfied with the product. The final release came out a while ago, but my Microsoft PR contact never came…

2007/04/30: Backup

It’s been a few weeks since my last eWeakly, simply for the fact that I haven’t done anything computer related of interest. Last week Microsoft released the Windows Home Server Community Technology Preview (CTP).  This put a lot more fit…

2007/03/26: WHS Redux

My APC UPS problems continue ( see last week for more details ) with random reboots.  I don’t believe the battery is working at all right now.  I have a brand new APC Smart UPS 1500 Rackmount in the garage,…

2007/03/12: WHS

A few weeks since my last Weakly; went to the New York Comic Convention ( read about it here ).  I’ve also been running the Microsoft Home Server Beta 2 ( WHS ) and have found it quite useful. For…