Variant Covers

DC just posted their June 2009 solicitations: the above image is my pick for best cover.  While I admire and enjoy an amazing piece of art as much as the next fan I detest having a cover done by someone…

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Antec SX1030

Blast from the past: originally published October 16th 2000. Great rejoicing rang throughout the house as my Antec case finally arrived.  As well I received a Linksys KVM ( keyboard, video, mouse ) switch to hook up in my office,…

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Eating to the bone

Found whole pork legs (hams) for $0.69 a pound so I picked up two.  I love pork and keep finding new uses for it.  After trimming I roasted the bones to see how much meat I could get from what…

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Asus TM-231

Originally published November 24th 2005.

I basically had all the parts at home to build a micro ATX system with an Athlon XP 3200; I just needed a case. This was a spare parts system, so the budget was next to nothing. Checking with my distributor netted me the Asus TM-231 Micro Tower for a whopping $43 Canadian.

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Cold Smoked Bacon

I took advantage of the freezing weather to cold smoke my latest batch of bacon.  Until now I’ve been hot smoking it: working with a temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit in my Big Green Egg I smoked the bacon for…

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When to upgrade

I’m a PC enthusiast and as such long for the latest and greatest hardware.  Every time a new CPU, chipset or video card gets released and receives rave reviews I instantly go to my chosen online retailers and price things…

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