Tag sandwich

Sandwich of Summer 2012 closeup

The Sandwich Of Summer 2012

I like sandwiches. No, that's not strong enough: I love sandwiches. Take ingredients you thoroughly enjoy and put them in a portable, edible container. We had what could be considered a "perfect storm" of elements in the refrigerator last week for me to create what is now my official sandwich of 2012.

Roast Pork Loin for Sandwiches

Roasts for Sandwiches

At our house I try and make everything myself, and that includes luncheon meat.  I prefer to roast large pieces of beef and pork with a heavily applied dry rub.  Cooking at 300F in the oven or the barbeque, even…

Chaps Pit Beef

We recently went to Baltimore and Washington and had the chance to visit a few local eateries.  After watching some Food TV I knew Chaps Pit Beef in Baltimore was going to be a stop for us. It’s a small…