Category Technology

WordPress Logo

WordPress Set File As Default Link To

A comic book site I edit uses a lot of images as you would imagine, but frequently contributors forget to set the Link To section of adding images. More often than not this means instead of readers getting a nice…

WordPress Logo

Adding CBZ format to WordPress

On a SEO company website I look after we wanted to add a store for digital downloads, and one of the formats offered would be CBZ, a standard format for unencrypted and DRM free digital comic books. Turns out you…

windows7 v web

Windows 7 Install Doesn’t See SSD

I was setting up a new PC and pulled a 60 GB SSD from an idle system to use in this build. I started the Windows 7 installation but when it trundled along to the hard drive portion no local drives…

Insert from URL screenshot

Remove “Insert from URL” in WordPress

I don’t like pulling images from other sites directly for posts: it’s using the bandwidth from someone else’s website. Instead I’ll save the image, upload it and then credit the image back to the source. I look after a multi-author…


BurnCDCC: A Very Small ISO Utility

I was looking around for a boot CD that would allow me to edit TrueCrypt volumes the other week and came across one that included a tiny 81 KB utility called BurnCDCC. It does one thing and one thing only:…

WordPress Logo

WordPress Issue: Only the homepage loads

So, I was tinkering with one of the websites I look after and made one change to the .htaccess file. I only make one change at a time to any file so I can reverse it if things go south.…

Wordpress Publish Dialog Box Errors

WordPress Publish Button Missing: 1&1, Akismet and SQL

Last month I [intlink id=”2831″ type=”post”]wrote about an error[/intlink] on this site that caused me to start fresh: the Publish button was missing from WordPress and you couldn’t post anything. Here’s a screenshot of the error. At the time I couldn’t…

Wordpress Publish Dialog Box Errors

WordPress Publishing Error

For all my local readers out there, thanks for holding on. Early August I experienced an issue with this site and WordPress: the publish button disappeared from every menu. Where Publish should be there appeared Submit for Review, and the…

Highpoint RocketRAID 2720

HighPoint, Motherboards & A Flashing Cursor

I was lucky enough to take part in an Intel retailer incentive that netted me an Intel P4304BTLSFCN barebones system with an Intel Xeon 1230 and an Intel AXXRMS2AF080 on-board RAID module. I added some hard drives and 16 GB…