Parlay is the French king of a dying island tribe and the father of the sublime Armande. He’s selling his pearls, a fortune collected from his island’s lagoon. The wealthiest traders in the Solomon Islands have been invited to the auction, except for David Grief, the Englishman the natives call the Son of the Sun. Come hell or high water—probably both—Grief will be there. And he isn’t coming for the pearls. This is a thrilling adaptation of two Jack London novellas, “A Son of the Sun” and “The Pearls of Parlay.”
- Europe Comics, October 2017
- Script by Fabien Nury
- Art by Eric Henninot
- 80 pages
- $8.99 USD
- Order online: Izneo, Amazon
Extremely engaging with a fast moving storyline and lush graphics.

Having read neither Jack London novella, I had no preconceived notions of this story. It’s about Grief, his empire and how it involves Parlay and his family. All wrapped in the beauty of the South Pacific and the end of the age of sail.
There’s a lot of story here for eighty pages but it never feels harried or lacking. While a stable of supporting cast keeps to their defined roles, Grief unfolds and leads us page by page. Action is everything but it’s not the impetus.

Henninot has beautifully crafted this story to bring to life the sea, but as a backdrop for the action and fluidity of the characters. Wonderful details abound, from people to ships to landscapes and everything in between. It’s a rich and engaging work.
Credit is due to the wonderful colours of Alluard. We’ve enrobed in the weather and environment through the backgrounds. Colour is naturalistic for this exotic location and used subtly for moments of mood and atmosphere.

Please check out the preview below from Izneo, who provided my digital copy for review.
Originally on Comic Book Daily.