The Nameless City
Every nation that invades the City gives it a new name. But before long, new invaders arrive and the City changes hands once again. The natives don’t let themselves get caught up in the unending wars. To them, their home…
Every nation that invades the City gives it a new name. But before long, new invaders arrive and the City changes hands once again. The natives don’t let themselves get caught up in the unending wars. To them, their home…
Presenting new full length material from Paul Pope, Battling Boy reminds and reinforces why he’s a great storyteller. The adventure begins in the new graphic novel by comics legend Paul Pope. Monsters roam through Arcopolis, swallowing children into the horrors…
A fun and fast paced adventure through 19th century Turkey, Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant delivers in print form. Lovable ne’er-do-well Delilah Dirk is an Indiana Jones for the 19th century. She has traveled to Japan, Indonesia, France, and…
I’m quickly becoming a fan of First Second Publishing and their wonderful graphic novels. After thoroughly enjoying Friends With Boys I spotted Marathon on their publishing schedule but it looked a little too manga-like for my interests so I skipped…
A graphic novel offered serially online and now in print by Faith Erin Hicks, a wonderfully talented Canadian cartoonist. A coming-of-age tale with a spooky twist! Maggie McKay hardly knows what to do with herself. After an idyllic childhood of…
Something out of the ordinary hits comic book shop shelves last month: Nursery Rhyme Comics from First Second. Having seen some previews and a substantial build-up I anxiously read it through. First Second is very proud to present Nursery Rhyme Comics. Featuring fifty…