Category Technology

Max Payne

Blast from the past: originally published August 28th 2001. After a week of furious mouse and keyboard movement I’ve finished Max Payne. If you have any interest in PC gaming, you’ve heard it mentioned. Amazing visuals wrapped around a compelling…

WordPress Error 500 on 1&1 Web Hosting

Early this week one of my plugins had an upgrade available but when I clicked to upgrade automatically I received the following: Error 500 – Internal Server Error.  Didn’t give it much thought and tried to log into this site…

Resetting an internal HP JetDirect

Pulled an old HP 2100TN out of storage today and printed it’s configuration page: a very old and unused IP address and gateway was assigned.  A quick poke around the internet showed an easy way to clear the JetDirect settings:…

Antec SX1030

Blast from the past: originally published October 16th 2000. Great rejoicing rang throughout the house as my Antec case finally arrived.  As well I received a Linksys KVM ( keyboard, video, mouse ) switch to hook up in my office,…

Asus TM-231

Originally published November 24th 2005.

I basically had all the parts at home to build a micro ATX system with an Athlon XP 3200; I just needed a case. This was a spare parts system, so the budget was next to nothing. Checking with my distributor netted me the Asus TM-231 Micro Tower for a whopping $43 Canadian.

When to upgrade

I’m a PC enthusiast and as such long for the latest and greatest hardware.  Every time a new CPU, chipset or video card gets released and receives rave reviews I instantly go to my chosen online retailers and price things…

Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008

I’ve written a review for every version of Small Business Server but have never published any of them: the scope seems to broad to adequately cover.  I’ve sat on this one for a few months but decided to get it…

Windows Home Server as SOHO backup

I’ve gushed extensively about the wonder that is Windows Home Server.  I recently gave Windows Small Business Server 2008 a spin to check it’s backup handling but it left me wanting: no current Windows platform backup program gets as much…

Vista 64 bit install frustrations

Everything started fine but after the first reboot I would hit a Blue Screen Of Death that would reboot the machine: it flashed by so quickly I couldn't read it. Selecting Safe Mode showed the system loaded up to crcdisk.sys but then would reboot.