Tag web

Microsoft Web Platform

For those who have looked at doing their own web hosting the acronym LAMP or WAMP is familiar: Linux/Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP.  Wrapped in an easy to install package with some management thrown in this is a simple one…

File conversion with Media Convert

Here’s an amazing web site for those who just want to open a file.  Media Convert lets you upload your file and select the format you’d like it in.  It’s that easy. Media Convert

Spambox.us temp email addresses

This one is very nice for any site, survey or app you don’t fully trust or want to form a lasting relationship with. Put in your email address and the time you want the temp address for and Spambox gives…

Free 5GB online from X Drive

AOL has continued their “freeing” up with 5GB of space free from X Drive. I remember using X Drive years ago until they started charging. It’s a slick little service, with the desktop app mapping a network drive for you…